The Reading Crisis


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Thinking only through the logic of communication misses an important point. When we read something, we aren’t just receiving a transmission; we’re also learning how to read. ⤴️

What is the sixth-grade reading level of Shakespeare or Austen? You can approximate the plots at various reading levels, but it’s the language itself that co ⤴️

mpletes the whole majesty of the works

I can think of no other single ability that more deeply affects how individuals learn than reading ability. But the solution is not to write everything at an eighth-grade level–it’s to teach people how to freaking read. ⤴️

Knowledge does not glow. It does not spread across the land like sunlight, obvious for anyone to see. It is locked in various safes, each requiring the right lock-picking skills to access. When we don’t provide people with those lock-picking skills, its not just their lives which are affected–it’s society as a whole. ⤴️