Thanks for the Feedback



  • Author: Douglas Stone
  • Full Title: Thanks for the Feedback



  • Truth Triggers are set off by the substance of the feedback itself—it’s somehow off, unhelpful, or simply untrue.
  • Relationship Triggers are tripped by the particular person who is giving us this gift of feedback.
  • Identity triggers are all about us. Whether the feedback is right or wrong, wise or witless, something about it has caused our identity—our sense of who we are—to come undone.
  • feedback comes in three forms: appreciation (thanks), coaching (here’s a better way to do it), and evaluation (here’s where you stand
  • feedback to us (“be on time”) to our feedback to them (“don’t talk to me that way”). The topic of “who” defeats the topic of “what” and the original feedback is blocked. We call this dynamic Switchtracking.
  • Laila needs to become aware of the ways she typically distorts feedback and the patterns her mind follows. Once aware, she can begin systematically to dismantle those distortions.
  • One identity story assumes our traits are “fixed”: Whether we are capable or bumbling, lovable or difficult, smart or dull, we aren’t going to change.