Gödel, Escher, Bach: an eternal golden braid


bolt from the blue (89)to-process ❧ Thunderbolt steers everything (Heraclitus)

The perception of an isomorphism between two known structures is a significant advance in knowledge-and I claim that it is such perceptions of isomorphism which create meanings in the minds of people. (89)to-process

I have always had a yen for the yin and yang (270)to-process

Okanisam (271)to-processLikely a pun on Kani

reality is one, immutable, and unchanging; all plurality, change, and motion are mere illusions of the senses (271)to-process ❧ Not sure if this is supposed to relate to Buddhism, but it seems obviously off the mark, with Impermanence being a core teaching.

Maybe it is more than meets my eye at this point in time. The point of “emptiness” makes sense, that everything that is plural is illusion.

in Zen, one seeks enlightenment, or SATORI-the state of “No-mind”. In this state, one does not think about the world-one just IS. (271)to-process

a student of Zen is not supposed to “attach” to any object or thought or person-which is to say, he must not believe in, or depend on, any absolute-not even this philosophy of nonattachment. (271)to-process ❧ This additional aspect of “not even this philosophy of nonattachment” is mind-boggling to me! But it does sound very alluring. Being attached to this can be seen as 1) being attached to the idea that non-attachment brings about enlightenment, and 2) defending this philosophically does not bring about enlightenment.

Tortoise (272)to-process