Complete works

Alcibiades 110d


the person who maintains that knowledge is perception and that what appears to any individual also is, for him to whom it appears to be (176)to-process ❧ Protagoras

The two states seem to correspond in all their characteristics. (176)to-process ❧ Illusion (and maybe hallucination) feel exactly the same to us!

This seems to be counter to Husserl’s approach, which counts on realization of illusion.

ALCIBIADES (557)to-process

It is Alcibiades’ lust for power that Socrates appeals to, promising that Alcibiades will never amount to anything without his help. (557)to-process ❧ What is this if not a rhetorical technique?

Because of its emphasis on self-knowledge as the necessary foundation of any other worthwhile knowledge, Alcibiades held pride of place in later antiquity as the ideal work with which to begin the study of Platonic philosophy. (557)to-process

the ascription to Plato is now a minority view (557)to-process

advice on any subject is the business not of those who are rich but of those who know it. (562)to-process

SOCRATES (566)to-process